pochette de rangement sac

How to use the storage pockets to organize your handbag?

Purse organization for people who like to change bags is a must to set up. An easy way to stay organized and not have to search for your things in your bag.

Whether you prefer to make your own DIY storage pouch or order flexible storage pouches online, whatever your choice, it will work wonders.

Organize your purse with pouches!

  • Empty the contents of all your handbags. And your backpacks, if you're like me and use them as a handbag.

  • Clean your handbags. Throw away chewing gum wrappers, receipts and anything that has lived too long in your purses.

  • Gather all the items you would like to carry in your purse.

  • Categorize them so you can store similar items together.

  • If you have other items you want in your bag, gather them.

  • Put the items in your pockets. Readjust them if they don't fit the first time.

  • Put all your pouches in your bag.

  • Use your bag for a few days and see how your new system works. Change things if they don't work for you.

  • When you're ready to switch bags, simply move your pouches from bag to bag.

You will certainly need a little learning time to distinguish the bag organization pockets according to each type of article. If you're starting from scratch with your own purse organization project, you might consider using mesh bags that you can see through. This would reduce the learning curve while you get used to your new system.

Purse Organization Maintenance

Using a bag organizer and storage system will help you in the long run by simplifying many little things that previously would have wasted your time, or created anxiety and stress if you didn't. not quickly find what you were looking for.

Although this change of organization can be a real 360° for some, it will be necessary to be rigorous in order to keep this new system. That's why getting into the right habits right from the start is the best thing you can do for yourself (and not come back later to clean up your mess). And if you really haven't had time to put all your things back in the right place during the day, do it directly when you get home.

A good habit also to adopt is that if you have children, take the reflex to also clean your handbags when you sort that of your children. Throw away papers, trash, put things where they belong...

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